
As a hobby since 2017. Full-time, professionally since 2018.

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Comic Artist

As a hobby since 2019, and extremely unprofessionally since.

Giggle a bit


From the early days of Pizza Man, the mutant pizza from Mars, to Woven and Co-Z fighting through end-times. I like to write.



Honestly, not so much these days, but very much so those days.

Listen to almost everything I've ever written

Who Does This Guy Think He Is?

Hey, it's me!

Made in Canada (ca. 1991). Ontario-born, British Columbia-raised. Husband to a wonderful wife, and father to a spectacular son.

I've always loved to create things and often find myself in an ongoing battle of trying to create too many things at once. Recently, I've been making more of an effort to see a project all the way through, instead of starting 5 new ones after the first one just starts to get good.

I value learning, and appreciate leaving my comfort zone from time to time to explore new adventures. Those adventures will be documented on this site.

Wanna say hello?

Great! I was just thinking I'd say hello too. Glad we had this conversation.

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